Road through forest from above – digital innovation growth consultancy for businesses - Photo by Fabian Quintero | de Paula


Driven by a clear vision, a spirit of innovation and a multicultural perspective

Explore the values that drive Charles de Paula, including excellence, innovation, multicultural diversity, and a forward-thinking vision. Embrace a holistic approach to success with Charles's commitment to integrity, collaboration, and customer-centricity.

In this Article:

My Values

Arial view of tropical white sand beach and palm trees Kri island, Raja Ampat, West Papua.- digital innovation growth consultancy - Photo by Ernests Vaga | de Paula

Photo by Ernests Vaga


I embrace a forward-thinking vision that drives strategic decision-making and inspires others to work towards a common goal. By articulating a clear and compelling vision, I aim to align efforts and drive meaningful progress, fostering a sense of purpose and direction within the organization.

"The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision." Helen Keller

Multicultural Outlook

I value diversity and inclusivity, recognising the strength that comes from embracing different perspectives and backgrounds. With a multicultural outlook, I strive to create an environment where all voices are heard, respected, and celebrated, contributing to a rich tapestry of ideas and experiences.

Holistic Approach

I believe in adopting a holistic approach that considers the interconnectedness of various facets of business, including innovation, technology, customer-centricity, and social responsibility. By embracing a holistic perspective, I aim to create comprehensive strategies that address diverse needs and opportunities, fostering sustainable growth and positive impact.


I strive for excellence in everything I do, consistently delivering high-quality work and achieving exceptional results. I believe that by setting high standards and constantly pushing myself, I can make a significant impact and drive success.

"Innovation is seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought." Dr. Albert Szent-Györgyi


I have a strong passion for innovation and embrace new ideas and approaches. I constantly seek out opportunities to think creatively and find innovative solutions to challenges. By staying ahead of market trends and embracing change, I can help organisations adapt and thrive in a rapidly evolving world.


I uphold the highest ethical standards in all aspects of my work. I believe in honesty, transparency, and treating others with respect and fairness. Integrity is the foundation of trust, and I strive to build strong relationships based on integrity with colleagues, partners, and customers.


I foster a collaborative work environment where diverse perspectives are valued and teamwork is encouraged. I believe that by working together, we can achieve greater outcomes and drive collective success. I actively listen to others, value their input, and promote a culture of collaboration and mutual support.

"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success." Henry Ford


I have a deep understanding of the importance of the customer and their needs. I am committed to delivering exceptional customer experiences and building long-term relationships. By putting the customer at the centre of everything we do, we can create meaningful connections and drive sustainable growth.

Continuous Learning

I have a strong belief in the power of continuous learning and personal growth. I embrace new knowledge, skills, and experiences to stay current and relevant in a rapidly changing world. I am open to feedback, actively seek opportunities to learn and improve, and encourage others to do the same.


I value creativity as a driving force for innovation and problem-solving. I encourage thinking outside the box, exploring unconventional ideas, and pushing the boundaries of what's possible. By fostering a creative environment, we can inspire fresh perspectives and drive breakthrough solutions.

"Creativity is intelligence having fun." Albert Einstein


I recognise the significance of omnichannel strategies in today's interconnected world. By integrating various channels seamlessly, I aim to provide a cohesive and consistent customer experience across all touchpoints, ensuring convenience and personalisation.


I embrace the transformative power of technology to drive efficiency, enhance experiences, and unlock new opportunities. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies responsibly, I aim to stay at the forefront of innovation and deliver impactful solutions.


I lead by example, inspiring and empowering others to achieve their full potential. I believe in developing talent, providing mentorship, and creating a supportive environment where individuals can thrive. With effective leadership, we can build high-performing teams and drive collective success.

"The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers." Ralph Nader

Social Responsibility

I am committed to making a positive impact on society and the environment. I believe in conducting business in an ethical and sustainable manner, promoting social responsibility, and giving back to the community. By aligning business goals with social values, we can create a better world for future generations.

These values guide my actions and decisions, shaping my approach to work and life. They are the foundation of my professional journey and the principles that drive me towards success.


What is a values statement?

A values statement is a declaration that outlines the core principles and beliefs that guide the actions and decisions of an organisation. It articulates the fundamental ethical and cultural standards upheld by the organisation.

Why is it important to have a well-defined values statement for an organisation?

A well-defined values statement is essential as it serves as a moral compass, shaping the organisational culture and influencing decision-making. It helps in aligning employees, attracting like-minded stakeholders, and fostering a cohesive and ethical work environment.

What are the key components of a good values statement?

Key components of a good values statement include clarity, relevance, authenticity, and alignment with the organisation's mission and goals. It should also be actionable and reflective of the organisation's unique identity.

How do you identify the core values of your organisation?

Identifying core values involves reflecting on the organisation's fundamental beliefs, principles, and priorities. This process may involve gathering input from employees, analysing past successes, and assessing the qualities that set the organisation apart.

What tips can you provide for crafting a clear and impactful values statement?

  • Craft a clear and concise statement that reflects the organisation's authentic beliefs.

  • Ensure that the values are actionable and can be integrated into daily operations.

  • Align the values with the organisation's mission and vision to create a cohesive narrative.

How do you ensure that your values statement aligns with the culture and operations of your organisation?

To ensure alignment, involve employees in the development process to capture diverse perspectives.

  • Regularly assess how the stated values manifest in daily operations and cultural practices.

Should a values statement be tailored to a specific audience or remain broad?

A values statement should generally remain broad to encompass the diverse stakeholders associated with the organisation. However, it should also reflect values that resonate with specific audiences when applicable.

Can you provide examples of effective values statements for inspiration?

Examples could include:

  • "Integrity, Innovation, Inclusiveness" (generic example)

  • "Customer-Centricity, Accountability, Sustainability" (industry-specific example)

How often should a values statement be reviewed and updated?

A values statement should be reviewed periodically to ensure it remains relevant and aligned with the evolving needs and culture of the organisation. Consider revisiting it at least once a year.

How can a values statement be effectively communicated to employees and stakeholders?

  • Communicate the values statement through internal channels such as team meetings, training sessions, and company-wide emails.

  • Integrate the values into performance evaluation criteria and recognition programmes to reinforce their importance within the organisation.

  • Externally, display the values on the company website and in marketing materials to communicate them to stakeholders.


  • Contact me for customised Consultancy Services here.

  • Alternatively, you can reach out to our Boutique Marketing Agency for even more holistic services here.

"In diversity there is beauty and there is strength." Maya Angelou